Experience the Artistry of Spirit

with Nanette Crist

Gallery of Nanette’s Images

All reproductions of Nanette’s art are printed using the exclusive Qoro® process.
These images are printed on archival museum quality paper and will not fade, chip, crack, run or peel.
They will remain beautiful for generations to come!
(All Qoro® prints are priced at $20 each and are approximately 8 x 10 inches)
Larger sizes are available as special orders upon request. Please contact thecristchurch@gmail.com

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Jesus with Child
Jesus with Child
This picture represents Christ’s gift of the Holy Spirit. God sends the Holy Spirit like a dove to all his children who will receive her light.
The artist saw Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a series of spiritual experiences. The resulting portraits have been verified as true likenesses by the most respected Catholic visionaries and many others throughout the world.

In the tradition of the Sacred Arts this painting was created from a deep inner vision and incorporates color therapy, sacred geometry, and universal rhythm. This picture may be used as a prayer and meditation aid to develop virtues and enhance healing.
Virtues: Openness of Heart brings the Wondrous gifts of God.

Jesus the Christ
Jesus the Christ
Just before Easter 1986, Jesus appeared to the artist Nanette Crist. He said He would like to have His portrait painted so that everyone who loved and needed Him would feel and know His presence. Normally the artist would require three weeks to complete an oil portrait but it was done in an amazing three days on Easter! A cross of light blazed across the sky on that day. Finally Jesus spoke about His life and ongoing mission.

Many healing miracles accompanied the prints of the painting. The Catholic visionaries at Betania, Colorado and Medjugorje, Vatican eyewitness accounts written during His lifetime, Dr. George Ritchie and countless others have testified that this is a true likeness of Jesus Christ.

In the tradition of the Sacred Arts this painting was created from a deep inner vision and incorporates color therapy, sacred geometry, and universal rhythm. This picture may be used as a prayer and meditation aid to develop virtues and enhance healing.
Virtues: all virtues, total healing, redemption, unconditional love, self sacrifice, spiritual mastery (“Greater things than 1 have done shall you do. “)

This incredibly lifelike portrait was inspired by an Easter time apparition and has been verified by the world’s top visionaries as a “true likeness”. Many people have reported healings after gazing at this beautiful painting. Meditative Virtues: Unconditional love and self-sacrifice.

Knight of the Grail
Grail Knight
The grail Lineage was protected by an order of knights, some of whom became a living vessel for the Holy Spirit. This grail knight holds the Blessed Chalice and the Spear of Longinus which was a talisman of Divine Power. Virtues: Dedication to a noble Quest. Maintaining the Sacred.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi
St. Francis appeared to the artist in a dream and later sent many animals to visit her while this painting was being completed. An eyewitness account of St. Francis written during his lifetime in Assisi verified this likeness. Recently, he guided the artist to the Vatican to share his delight and image.

This picture shows St. Francis humbly singing with the sparrow a song of joy for God. Everyone who loves animals, Mother Nature, “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” and the true call of Christ will respond to the heart of St. Francis. His gentle soul is awakening environmental awareness even today.

In the tradition of the Sacred Arts this painting was created from a deep inner vision and incorporates color therapy, sacred geometry, and universal rhythm. This picture may be used as a prayer and meditation aid to develop virtues and enhance healing.

Virtues: Merging with the Divine in all beings, maintaining environmental balance, walking in a sacred way, uniting with God s greater purpose.

Mary & Child at Night
Mary and Child in the Night
This lovely painting was created as a result of a Christmas Eve vision given to the artist Nanette Crist. Later the Blessed Mother consecrated her heart when the artist visited one of her shrines. Here we are transported back into time with the Christ Child reaching out to Heaven as His gracious mother cradles Him pondering their destiny.

This painting has been called a true likeness of Mother Mary by the Catholic visionaries at Medjugorje, Yugoslavia; Betania, South America; and Colorado, USA. Many graces from God have come through this painting to all who will receive.

In the tradition of the Sacred Arts this painting was created from a deep inner vision and incorporates color therapy, sacred geometry, and universal rhythm. This picture may be used as a prayer and meditation aid to develop virtues and enhance healing.
Virtues: Purity, Intercession, Devotion, Grace.

Confirmed by Marian Visionaries, this portrait creates a moment of timeless tranquility and beauty. Meditation on it enables the viewer to resonate with the qualities of purity and grace. Virtues: Devotion, Graciousness, and Purity of Heart.

Mary with Child
Mother Mary with Jesus
The Holy Mother shows the little one how God lights our way in the darkest hours. Virtues: Overcoming fear through trust in the God Parents
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
Esoteric Mary
We see the Madonna symbolically demonstrating the transmutation of Divine Energy into the holy blood lineage. The spheres before Her represent the coalescing of Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power into the Holy Vessel. Virtues: Receptiveness to the Divine, Transcending limiting concepts.
Madonna of the Matrix
Madonna of the Matrix
The Divine Woman stands with arms outstretched before an auric mandala. Meditation on this matrix creates harmony with the Universe and expansion of one’s work to a global perspective. Virtues: Divine Organization, Magnanimity, Cosmic Consciousness.
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael
This magnificent painting of Archangel Michael was created from a series of visions by the artist. Archangel Michael also appeared and healed Nanette’s relative in a near death experience. He also protected a million other people at a history making event in 1976.
Known as the Great Prince of Heaven, Michael means “who is like unto God?” He is one of the seven Holy Archangels whose vision is to protect, nurture, and guide all mankind. He is the Patron Saint of policemen, soldiers, and rescue workers.

Here Michael holds the incandescent sword of blue flame that repels evil forces. He raises the Holy Chalice with the consecrated life force. Above hovers the Holy Spirit. This scene reflects the soul that is receptive to the love of the Holy Trinity. Upon his breast is the Great Seal of the New Jerusalem and the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

In the tradition of the Sacred Arts this painting was created from a deep inner vision and incorporates color therapy, sacred geometry, and universal rhythm. This picture may be used as a prayer and meditation aid to develop virtues and enhance healing. Virtues: Protection from evil, discernment, unswerving righteousness.

Michael, The Great Prince of Heaven, holds a shining sword of blue flame as the raises the Holy Chalice. He wears the great Seal of the New Jerusalem, the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Virtues: Cosmic Intelligence, Protection, Unswerving Righteousness, and Discernment.

Archangel Melchizedek
This magnificent painting was created by Nanette Crist after a vision of this glorious angel. Here he is genuflecting as he beckons “Come unto me”. Archangel Melchizedek is the God-Father of the seven Elohim and Archangel Michael. He is a celestial Virtue of great grace who is for angels as Christ is for humanity. The Priest King Melchizedek (named after this angel) was so honored that Abraham paid tithes and was initiated by him, Jesus was described as a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. Virtues: Group and ancestral purification and healing, generosity of soul, planetary healing, divine administration, selfless service.
Saint Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel
Through tears of hope the artist beheld an iridescent fountain of light. The fleur¬de-leis of white radiance formed a mandorla around the youthful angel. His ecstatic gaze was fixed on Heaven and his feet upon a spinning sapphire tube. This resplendent being was Gabriel. Known as the Angel of Annunciation, and the Judgment, Gabriel is a universal angel appearing in the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Koran. Here Gabriel is not holding a lily; he is the Lily of Light. He remains God’s pure messenger proclaiming the good news of the birth of the Christ child in our hearts.  He is the aspect of God as expressed in his radiant aura which flows like a fountain of light.

In the tradition of the Sacred Arts this painting was created from a deep inner vision and incorporates color therapy, sacred geometry, and universal rhythm. This picture may be used as a prayer and meditation aid to develop virtues and enhance healing.
Virtues: Purity, spiritual rebirth, rejuvenation and chastity. Meditative Virtues: Purity and Regeneration.

The Buddha is seen at the moment of enlightenment.He sits lotus style under the huge Banyan tree near a river. The river is as smooth as glass, reflecting the colors of the setting sun in blues, purples and gold. The perfect peace is shown on the face of the Buddha as he meditates in silence.His aura is white, golden and purple at all seven levels. One hand touches the earth and the other is in his lap. His appearance is youthful Indian. Astrological sign – Aquarius (February) Virtue – Silence becomes meditative power
Higher Self
Higher Self
This painting represents the three primary stages of spiritual growth, from the human to the Divine self, from suffering through transcendence. Virtues: Victory through Selfless Suffering and Redemption.
Spiritual Children
Spiritual Children
These two precious little ones appear in a sunlit field reminiscent of an age of true innocence and pristine beauty. This image reminds us to allow God’s child within to love, play and rejoice in a sacred way. Virtues: Heartfelt sharing brings growth and unity.
Children of the World
Children of the World
Twelve Blessed Children of all races and cultures surround the earth as various expressions of the Divine Nature. This represents God centered families as the foundation for the Ideal Society. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Virtues: Planetary Healing, God-centered unity and harmony. Loving all races and personalities.
Purple Earth
Earth in Violet Fire
Unicorn and Virgin
Unicorn and Virgin
Here the Virgin, representing the pure in heart, has mastered the Unicorn which symbolizes the transformed carnal nature. Together they partake of the Waters of Life as an endless fountain. Virtues: Self-mastery brings inner vision
Chippy and Fairy
Chippy and Fairy
You can see this beautiful elemental being stimulating the growth process of nature. The chipmunk senses Her presence and welcomes her gifts. Virtue: Trust in the Divine Supply.
Swan Angel
Swan Angel
An elegant being glides into our sight, emanating soft tendrils of the light rose of unselfish love. Virtue: Inner beauty through grace.
Star Dancer
Starmaker Dancer
This beautiful, lighthearted angel dances through the cosmos energizing atoms, stars and Light Beings. Virtues: Joy and Cosmic Harmony.
Holy Spirit Dove
Holy Spirit Dove
The dove flutters down with the sounds of many winds as the Holy Spirit descends. This mothering, comforting spirit uplifts, nurtures and guides humanity continually.

At age 21 the artist received the Holy Spirit which immersed her in an illuminated ocean of Love. This super ecstatic state lasted for three days and led to a face to face encounter with God the Creator of All, the “I Am That I Am!” Nanette believes everyone can see, hear, feel and know the incomprehensible peace and joy of God whenever they set all else aside.

In the tradition of the Sacred Arts this painting was created from a deep inner vision and incorporates color therapy, sacred geometry, and universal rhythm. This picture may be used as a prayer and meditation aid to develop virtues and enhance healing.
Virtues: Spiritual rebirth through illumination.

Dolphins Dancing
Dolphins Dancing
These delightful creatures leap with joy as they revolve around each other dancing in the Cosmic Sea. Dolphins extraordinary intelligence, familial bonds, affection and communication with humans have given us a shining example of harmony in God’s creation. Virtues: Cosmic Rhythm creates playfulness of spirit.
Mermaid with Atlantis
Remnants of Atlantis
“This beautiful mermaid, showing us the true history of our past, symbolizes delving into the deep waters of the collective human consciousness to discover hidden treasures.”
Antediluvian Mermaid
Antediluvian Antics
“These lovely creatures are legendary throughout the world; in every culture, they are known to have saved sailors from drowning.”
Santa decided someone needed ‘puppy love’ for Christmas. Sometimes we do resemble our pets. Virtues: Faithfulness and empathy.
Ra Ta
Ra Ta
This inspired portrait of the ancient Egyptian priest, Ra- Ta, beautifully reflects the fatherly heart and spiritual devotion of this tireless servant of God. According to the Edgar Cayce readings, Ra-Ta became a high priest in Egypt more than 12,500 years ago. He is said to have introduced the spiritual tenets which laid the foundation for the Essene and Judeo-Christian traditions. He also revolutionized the social structures, established holistic healing• centers such as the Temple Beautiful, and helped to mastermind construction of the Great Pyramid and Sphinx. It is no wonder that the Egyptians deified this superlative man, who was remembered by many simply as “Ra.”

This dynamic painting depicts Ra-Ta in his youthful body. His gesture moves from prayer to the invocation of the Great Central Sun and the Eternal Flame through the seven color rays. In the tradition of the Sacred Arts, it incorporates the divine proportions, numbers, sym¬bols and colors.

Maitreya Buddha
Maitreya Buddha
The Buddha to come in this Age, he will bring enlightenment and abundance to all mankind by exemplifying True Love in the family unit. This will create the foundation for the Ideal Society of the Golden Age. Virtues: Divine Will, Unconditional Love and Planetary Healing.
St. Gemain w/ Rod
St. Germane with Rod
This Master soul holds the rod of eternal Light which has been given to mankind to illuminate the way to Spiritual Freedom. Virtues: Divine Wisdom, Rejuvenation and Transmutation.
St. Germane Fire
St. Germane with Violet Fire
This wondrous portrait was completed after a series of spiritual experiences with St. Germane and the artist. Known as the “ageless wonderman” of Europe, his well documented abilities are unequaled today. He attempted to unite the European nations (in the 1700’s) and the Papacy with the Freemasons. He also inspired the founding of America as a potential Ideal Society. Behind him is the violet flame of transmutation used to heal addictions, spirit attachment, diseases and various destructive thoughts or emotions.

In the tradition of the Sacred Arts this painting was created from a deep inner vision and incorporates color therapy, sacred geometry, and universal rhythm. This picture may be used as a prayer and meditation aid to develop virtues and enhance healing. Virtues: transmutation, spiritualization of matter, regeneration, realizing your highest potential.

This Eastern Adept has provided gentle spiritual guidance to many since the 1800’s. Virtue: Manifestation of Good.
Holy Aeolus
Holy Aeolus
This magnanimous soul assists seekers who wish to return to their true Home. Here Aeolus is shown with a crystalline rod which summons the elemental angels to aid humans. Virtue: Loving dominion over all creation.
Iris Deva
Iris Deva
Iris Deva –
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