Future Crist Church Projects

Nov 10th & Nov 11th 2-day Workshop  at ONE 11 Art

Secrets for Identifying & Developing Your Spiritual Gifts


Featured Artist-NANETTE CRIST, who is a practical mystic and world renown artist. She has been called “a Renaissance woman for this Age,” and is internationally known as the Mother of Modern Visionary Art;” was a featured speaker at the Global Science Conferences; is Executive Producer of the film, “White Buffalo: An American Prophecy;” was the Co Manager of The Heritage Stores, is the Founder and Minister of the Crist Church; TV ministry in Hawaii; was a spiritual consultant to leaders of the Catholic Church, the A.R.E, and the Highest Initiates of the Freemasons, Congress people of both parties, and the Order of Melchizedek.

Nanette maintains that spirituality transcends religion. In her presentations she unites this vision with the new sciences. When she was 21 years old she had an illumination experience with God. This ecstatic state of going into the white light while seeing and communicating with the Spiritual Sun  was the supreme experience of her life. After this, her Spiritual Gifts were amplified including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, precognition, and Akashic vision.

Her  paintings of the apparitions of Jesus, Mother Mary, and Archangel Michael have been called “ true likenesses” by the world’s visionaries. In addition many near death experiencers like Dr. George Ritchie have seen the Master Souls in the same way. In this extraordinary presentation Nanette will share formerly secret information concerning the following:

  • How we can develop a continuous, direct communication with our Living God.
  • How we can identify and develop our unique spiritual gifts.
  • How we can amplify our creativity in every sphere.
  • How science has shown we can enhance our brain capacity naturally by 10,000%.
  • What are the secret practices that seers, prophets, prophetesses, and Illuminates knew?
  • Why did the Essenes, the Egyptians, the Israeli prophets, and Pythagoras declare Mt. Carmel to be the holiest mountain in the world?
  • Why the last Pope said Jesus celebrated an Essene Passover?
  • What was Monoatomic Gold, the Elixir of Life and the Secret Holy Foods that create extreme longevity and enhance enlightenment? The ancient mystery centers on Mt. Carmel  included the School of the Prophets, the Essene community, and Elijah’s habitations. These centers have all been relocated and visited by Nanette Crist. During this workshop, Nanette will share practical, relevant information about how we can integrate the SECRET PRACTICES of the Essenes who taught Jesus’ family. Among what will be shared is the Essene sacred way of living in a contemporary context; the universal spiritual principles; angelic communication; enlightenment, illumination, ascension; Initiation, and the secrets of establishing a Holy Family. Advanced meditation and breathing, healing sounds, manifestation and miracles, the Holy anointing oils, longevity and health with a emphasis on Secret Holy Foods which accelerate spiritual gifts will be shared. Participants will take a visual trip including her artwork to Mt. Carmel as 7 miracles happened.

*November 10th & 11th, 2018 10am- 5pm Saturday, 12pm- 6pm Sunday. Cost: $280 for the 2-day Workshop (includes lunch  from Taste Unlimited on Saturday, light snack & refreshments on Sunday, drinks both days) Registration in advance. SPACE IS LIMITED. Send payment to PayPal to thecristchurch@gmail.com or call Mari Mann at 252.-722.-1690. Please state your email when sending payment for  return confirmation. Held at One Eleven Art Gallery Studios 111 Pennsylvania  Ave,Norfolk,Va 23504



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Future Crist Church Projects

Mt. Carmel and the Wonders of Israel


Target date: 2017

This trip is sponsored by the United Oracles which has been created for planetary healing. It will last approximately two (2) weeks, including travel time and will be escorted by Nanette Crist and expert Israeli Christian tour guides. We will be staying at first-class hotels in and around Jerusalem and at the beautiful Stella Maris Guest House on Mount Carmel, the holiest mountain in the world.

At the Wailing Wall on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, we will conduct a sacred ceremony with representatives of the world’s major religions present, and will participate in a Native American Medicine Wheel ceremony. Our trip will conclude with an experience in the Stella Maris Church and a planetary healing prayer and meditation in the sacred gardens. Please email to thecristchurch@gmail.com for more information regarding this trip.   

Spiritual Leaders – Master Souls

Stand in the presence of the Greatest Spiritual Leaders (illustrated Master Souls)

Scenes from the past have been perceived through my inner vision and recreated for you to experience. By viewing this art, you can resonate with the virtues exemplified by these master souls. Many who view this have an instantaneous realization of the unity of heart in all spiritual and religious thought.

Each of the twelve paintings will depict a scene in the life of one of the world’s greatest philosophers and religious leaders. These pictorial illustrations have been chosen to exemplify a particular virtue and astrological influence. They will be accompanied by a brief description of the adepts’ histories, an astrological sign and the virtues represented by them.

The viewers will experience an actual insight into the nature of the divine attributes that have manifested through each Great World Teacher. All races, all major religions, and all cultural spheres will be represented

It is my sincere hope that by all of us participating and sharing in these sacred projects we are helping to create harmony on our planet and end religious intolerance.



Buddha (Gautama) 

The Buddha is seen at the moment of enlightenment.He sits lotus style under the huge Banyan tree near a river. The river is as smooth as glass, reflecting the colors of the setting sun in blues, purples and gold. The perfect peace is shown on the face of the Buddha as he meditates in silence.His aura is white, golden and purple at all seven levels. One hand touches the earth and the other is in his lap. His appearance is youthful Indian.

Astrological sign – Aquarius (February)
Virtue – Silence becomes meditative power


Support the work of the Master Souls Series by donating to the Crist Church.
For more detailed information, email directly to thecristchurch@gmail.com.

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